What group is the most social-oriented bunch on the web?

Hats off to B2B marketers, 92 percent of whom are robust users of social media. That’s more than use the time-honored techniques of e-newsletters, blogs, white papers, and videos, says a new survey.

An overwhelming majority of B2B marketers actively use social media to get the word out about their brands and products, according to a recent survey conducted by the Content Marketing Institute (CMI), in conjunction with marketing research firm MarketingProfs.

That 92 point percentage wallops other marketing tactics respondents cited, including e-newsletters (used by 83 percent of respondents), web site articles (81 percent), blogs (80 percent), case studies (77 percent), videos (76 percent) and white papers (68 percent).

“The survey finds that 59 percent of B2B marketers publish new content—to social media, web sites, on blogs, or elsewhere—at least once a week,” according to Internet Retailer. “Of that group, 16 percent publish new content daily and 26 percent publish new content multiple times a week.”

The study was based on survey responses from 1,820 B2B marketers in North America during July and August, 2014.