Pinpointing potential purchasers with precision is not only a fun alliteration to repeat, it’s also the paramount goal of many of today’s largest and most successful mobile marketing companies. And as the growth of mobile advertising takes the industry to dazzling new heights at a dizzying pace, numerous advertisers and industry analysts have begun speculating about what will prove the dominant force in 2010 for mobile marketing.

According to no shortage of savvy mobile marketers, location based mobile campaigns could define 2010 mobile marketing. With technology finally catching up to the potential of location-based mobile marketing, it’s far more likely than not that a mobile user\’s physical location will be among the most critical aspects of next year’s most successful mobile marketing strategies for companies both large and small.

Location based mobile marketing aside, many firms are also ramping up efforts for clients in the areas of mobile coupon distribution and email marketing. One recent component aiding the contemporary boom of digital marketing is, the default URL shortened on Twitter and the source of three-quarters of all shortened URLs.

On a monthly basis, shortens approximately 1 billion links. But as a new epidemic of spam takes aim at the potential of, serious measures will have to be implemented before the link shortening service can be wholly embraced by mobile marketers and mobile users increasingly more wary of the blooming threat of mobile spam.

Ultimately, the future priorities of mobile marketing companies will be driven by consumer trends and the emerging needs of small and large business owners alike. At present, the only discernible priority among contemporary advertisers investigating what a mobile marketing company can do for them is finding a firm with a sound working knowledge of mobile marketing and its best practices. Gone are the days when mobile marketing was perceived as a relatively uncomplicated, straightforward marketing endeavor based on blasting out cookie-cutter email and text messages. Indeed, there’s more to mobile marketing than meets the eye.

To learn more about what mobile marketing can do for you and your business, click here.